Safety on the Street
Use the same common sense traveling interstates that you would at home. Be especially cautious in (or avoid) areas where you may be more easily victimized. These include crowded places, train stations, tourist sites, market places, festivals and crime-ridden neighborhoods.
Don't use short cuts, narrow alleys or poorly lit streets.
Try not to travel alone at night, keep time to schedule your traveling to enable reaching destination during the day light.
Avoid public demonstrations and other civil disturbances.
Keep a low profile and avoid loud conversations or arguments.
Do not discuss travel plans or other personal matters with co-travelers who are strangers.
Avoid scam artists by being wary of strangers who approach you and offer to be your guide or sell you something at bargain prices.
Beware of pickpockets. They often have an accomplice who will:
• jostle you,
• ask you for directions or the time,
• point to something spilled on your clothing,
• or distract you by creating a disturbance.
Beware of groups of vagrant children who create a distraction while picking your pocket.
Wear the shoulder strap of your bag across your chest and walk with the bag away from the curb to avoid drive-by purse-snatchers.
Try to seem purposeful when you move about. Even if you are lost, act as if you know where you are going. Try to ask for directions only from individuals in authority, like the driver.
Learn a few phrases in the local language or have them handy in written form so that you can signal your need for local help.
Make a note of emergency telephone numbers you may need: police, fire, your hotel, and the nearest police station.
If you are confronted, don't fight back -- give up your valuables.
Safety in Your Hotel
Keep your hotel door locked at all times. Meet visitors in the lobby.
Do not leave money and other valuables in your hotel room while you are out. Use the hotel safe.
If you are out late at night, let someone know when you expect to return.
If you are alone, do not get on an elevator if there is a suspicious-looking person inside.
Read the fire safety instructions in your hotel room. Know how to report a fire, and be sure you know where the nearest fire exits and alternate exits are located. (Count the doors between your room and the nearest exit; this could be a lifesaver if you have to crawl through a smoke-filled corridor.)
Safety on Public Transportation
Taxis. Only take taxis clearly identified with official markings. Beware of unmarked cabs.
If you see your way being blocked by a stranger and another person is very close to you from behind, move away. This can happen in the corridor of the train or on the platform or station.
Do not accept food or drink from strangers. Criminals have been known to drug food or drink offered to passengers. Kidnappers may also spray sleeping gas in bus compartments. Where possible, lock your compartment. If it cannot be locked securely, take turns sleeping in shifts with your traveling companions. If that is not possible, stay awake. If you must sleep unprotected, tie down your luggage and secure your valuables to the extent possible.
Do not be afraid to alert authorities if you feel threatened in any way. Extra police are often assigned to Inter state buses traveling to the eastern part of the country where crime is a serious problem.
Buses. The same type of Kidnap activity found on taxes can be found on public buses on popular interstate routes. For example, travelers have been drugged and robbed while sleeping on buses or in bus stations. In some cases, whole busloads of passengers have been held up and kidnapped for possible ritual killings.
Also, be watchful and alert.
Survey the sitting arrangement of passenger in the bus, where you notice all passengers sleeping, please do not enter and quickly alert the police.
Safety When You Drive
When you rent a car, choose a type that is commonly available. Where possible, ask that markings that identify it as a rental car be removed. Make certain it is in good repair. If available, choose a car with universal door locks and power windows, features that give the driver better control of access. An air conditioner, when available, is also a safety feature, allowing you to drive with windows closed. Thieves can and do snatch purses through open windows of moving cars.
Keep car doors locked at all times. Wear seat belts.
As much as possible, avoid driving at night.
Don't leave valuables in the car. If you must carry things with you, keep them out of sight locked in the trunk, and then take them with you when you leave the car.
Don't park your car on the street overnight. If the hotel or municipality does not have a parking garage or other secure area, select a well-lit area.
Never pick up road side strangers at night.
Don't get out of the car if there are suspicious looking individuals nearby. Drive away.
Carjackers and thieves operate at gas stations, parking lots, in city traffic and along the highway. Be suspicious of anyone who hails you or tries to get your attention when you are in or near your car.
Criminals use ingenious ploys. They may pose as good Samaritans, offering help for tires that they claim are flat or that they have made flat. Or they may flag down a motorist, ask for assistance, and then steal the rescuer's luggage or car. Usually they work in groups, one person carrying on the pretense while the others rob you.
Other criminals get your attention with abuse, either trying to drive you off the road, or causing an "accident" by rear-ending you.
In some urban areas, thieves don't waste time on ploys, they simply smash car windows at traffic lights, grab your valuables or your car and get away. In cities around the world, "defensive driving" has come to mean more than avoiding auto accidents; it means keeping an eye out for potentially criminal pedestrians, cyclists and scooter riders.
How to Handle Money Safely
To avoid carrying large amounts of cash, make cash withdrawal from ATM only as you need currency. Do not flash large amounts of money when paying a bill. Make sure your ATM card is removed from machine after each transaction.
Deal only with Secured ATM possible located in Bank premises. Do not change money on the black market.
If your possessions are lost or stolen, report the loss immediately to the local police
After reporting missing items to the police, report the loss or theft of:
• ATM cards to the issuing Bank
Travel to High-Risk Areas
If you must travel in an area where there has been a history of terrorist attacks or kidnappings, make it a habit to:
Discuss with your family what they would do in the event of an emergency. Make sure your affairs are in order before leaving home.
Remember to leave a detailed itinerary and the numbers or copies of your passport or other documents with a friend or relative.
Remain friendly but be cautious about discussing personal matters or your itinerary.
Leave no personal or business papers in your hotel room.
Watch for people following you or "loiterers" observing your comings and goings.
Keep a mental note of safe havens, such as police stations, hotels, and hospitals. Formulate a plan of action for what you will do if there is gunfire nearby.
Let someone else know what your travel plans are. Keep them informed if you change your plans.
Report any suspicious activity to local police.
Select your own taxicabs at random. Don't take a vehicle that is not clearly identified as a taxi. Compare the face of the driver with the one on his or her posted license.
If possible, travel with others.
Be sure of the identity of visitors before opening the door of your hotel room. Don't meet strangers at your hotel room, or at unknown or remote locations.
Refuse unexpected packages.
Check for loose wires or other suspicious activity around your car.
Be sure your vehicle is in good operating condition.
Drive with car windows closed in crowded streets. Objects can be thrown through open windows.
If you are ever in a situation where somebody starts shooting, drop to the floor or get down as low as possible. Don't move until you are sure the danger has passed. Do not attempt to help rescuers and do not pick up a weapon. If possible, shield yourself behind a solid object. If you must move, crawl on your stomach